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Text File  |  1994-10-05  |  7KB  |  106 lines

  2. █████ Basic & Visual Basic Programming
  4. █████ Path: \BASIC
  6. BANSI111.ZIP    67288  09-01-94  ANSI Commands and Functions in a library! For
  7.                                | Microsoft BASICs: QuickBasic v4.5 and Vi DOS,
  8.                                | both Standard and Professional editions.
  9.                                | standard ANSI commands and functions. Great
  10. BLTW110.ZIP    165294  08-18-94  [Bullet for Windows 1.10] is a super-fast,
  11.                                | super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF,
  12.                                | transaction-based, multi-user database
  13.                                | toolkit for Windows compilers.
  14. BMAG01-1.ZIP    81467  05-01-94  BMag Volume 1 number 1 April, 1994 edition.
  15.                                | Copyright 1994, Ken Witherow Magazine devoted
  16.                                | completely to BASIC. This month's issue
  17.                                | describes how to interface assembly language
  18.                                | with BASIC. Next month, the size will be
  19.                                | _MUCH_ larger and include dozens of BASIC
  20.                                | programs.
  21. DELFUNC.ZIP      1975  09-05-94  PB Source To Delete With Ask, Delete With
  22.                                | Exclude Filenames Or Extensions.
  23. DNALIB7A.ZIP   315100  05-16-94  PB 3.0 GUI Library Supports Mouse W/Many
  24.                                | Features. Lib Mngr/Source
  25. FINDPRT3.ZIP     2929  04-14-94  FINDPRT: How To Use The FindFirst Method Of
  26.                                | Partial Strings In VB 3.0
  27. INTX.ZIP        22122  05-09-94  Clone Of QB' InterruptX Mimics REG/CALL Of
  28.                                | PB's Interrupt Command
  29. MSMEGA10.ZIP   380132  06-30-94  Mabry Software Mega Pack (VBXes) <ASP> One
  30.                                | dozen of Mabry Software's most popular custom
  31.                                | controls for Visual Basic.
  32. PARSER.BAS       6876  04-24-94  PB 3.0 Command Line Parser Routine
  33. PB-EDIT.ZIP      2610  06-28-94  PB 3.0 Source Code, User Input With Maxlen Of
  34.                                | Input String
  35. PBCODE.ZIP      34764  08-03-94  PowerBasic 3.0c Source Code To Copy Files And
  36.                                | Get Information.
  37. PBER10B2.ZIP    27546  08-25-94  PB Error 1.02 - Error code text display
  38.                                | utility for PowerBASIC 3.x programmers. Pass
  39.                                | the error code on the command line and get a
  40.                                | text description for it. Freeware by Dave
  41.                                | Navarro, Jr.
  42. PBMODX10.ZIP    42691  08-11-94  PB Mode X 1.0 - PowerBASIC 3.x library to
  43.                                | access VGA Mode X for sprite animation.
  44.                                | Requires a 286 or better machine. Free for
  45.                                | personal and commercial use. Includes a great
  46.                                | demo and source code to that demo.
  47. PBSYNTAX.ZIP     6525  08-22-94  A small TSR that will highlight PB keywords
  48.                                | when you are in the IDE. Please feel free to
  49.                                | make any enhancements/changes and re-upload
  50.                                | with proper acknowledgements. The included
  51.                                | source contains code for unloading the TSR as
  52.                                | well as usage for POPUP TIMER, POPUP KEY,
  53.                                | POPUP MULTIPLEX. Released to Public Domain by
  54.                                | author.
  55. PBTL111.ZIP     42206  04-14-94  PBTLIB v1.11 PowerBASIC Library Manager.
  56.                                | Shareware library manager for PowerBASIC 3.0c
  57.                                | which works more like MicroSoft's LIB
  58.                                | program. Does not SHELL to PBLIB; has it's
  59.                                | own internal routines for library access. $5
  60.                                | Shareware by Dave Navarro, Jr.
  61. PSLIB002.ZIP   284001  05-26-94  PS-LIB V002 Power BASIC Library Unit For
  62.                                | Various Functions.
  63. QBTIPJ-T.ZIP   685143  06-06-94  QuickBASIC Tips From The Quik_Bas Echo, Vol.
  64.                                | J - T
  65. QREPLACE.ZIP     2221  04-01-94  PB 3.0 ASM Replacement For PB's REPLACE State
  66. RKEY31QB.ZIP   212220  06-05-94  RegKey 3.10 - Registration key system for Qui
  67.                                | Add registration key support to your
  68.                                | QuickBASIC programs. Allows distribution of
  69.                                | your software for demonstration purposes.
  70.                                | When a user pays for your program, they
  71.                                | receive a registration key which switches
  72.                                | your application into registered mode,
  73.                                | possibly enabling additional features.
  74. RKEY31VB.ZIP   202503  06-05-94  RegKey 3.10 - Registration key system for Vis
  75.                                | Add registration key support to your Visual
  76.                                | Basic for Windows programs. Allows
  77.                                | distribution of your software for
  78.                                | demonstration purposes. When a user pays for
  79.                                | your program, they receive a registration key
  80.                                | which switches your application into
  81.                                | registered mode, possibly enabling additional
  82.                                | features.
  83. RPLAY.ZIP       37027  04-02-94  BASIC Source Code To Play CMF Files Thru A
  84.                                | SoundBlaster Card.
  85. RUKQ1D.ZIP     548229  04-30-94  RUCKUS: BASIC toolkit for SoundBlaster,
  86.                                | AdLib, OPL synth. Digital VOC,WAV,MOD, & MIDI
  87.                                | in GM & MT-32, CMF, and ROL-cnv. Has MM demo
  88.                                | of GUS, OPL3 2/4op stereo playback sequencer.
  89. SVGAPB21.ZIP   256697  05-09-94  SVGAPB.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics
  90.                                | library for SP PowerBASIC. It recognizes more
  91.                                | than 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in
  92.                                | 320x200, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
  93.                                | 1280x1024 256-color modes. Functions include
  94.                                | hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick and
  95.                                | mouse support, 2D & 3D functions, sprite
  96.                                | animation, and GIF encoding & decoding.
  97. TERMINAL.BAS    12416  04-24-94  PB 3.0 Basic Terminal Program
  98. VBAPP594.ZIP   541920  08-22-94  MicroSoft Visual Basic for Applications Tips
  99.                                | 05/94 in Help File Format. This archive
  100.                                | contains Tips and Bug reports for Using
  101.                                | Visual Basic for Applications. Direct From
  102.                                | Microsoft.
  103. WINGBT.ZIP    1213531  06-27-94  WingBT Game Software Library Beta 2 Of 3
  104. WINGINFO.ZIP     5288  07-04-94  Installation Notes For WingBT, Desc, & Press
  105.                                | Release For GAMESUM/WINGBT 3 Of 3